Youth Ministry Outline
Many youth today are waiting to hear the Good News that is ours as Christ's disciples. Youth in our parish long to grow spiritually and to belong to their family, Church and the local community in meaningful ways.
Youth Christian Formation
Spreading the message of the Gospel through evangelization, Christian formation and personal example, Catechism, bible study, discussion groups, mini-courses, etc.
Faith Themes
Youth Worship
Celebrating the life-giving exchange between the Sprit of Jesus and the faith community.
Youth Community Life
Growing in our common bond as members of God’s family, promoting Christian fellowship.
Youth Justice and Service
Extending the Reign of God to all the world by our words and actions in the Sprit of Jesus.
As leaders in the field of the youth apostolate, your task will be to help your parishes, dioceses, associations, and movements to be truly open to the personal, social, and spiritual needs of young people. You will have to find ways of involving young people in projects and activities of formation, spirituality, and service, giving them responsibility for themselves and their work, and taking care to avoid isolating them and their apostolate from the rest of the ecclesial community. Young people need to be able to see the practical relevance of their efforts to meet the real needs of people, especially the poor and neglected. They should be able to see that their apostolate belongs fully to the Church’s mission in the world. (Pope John Paul II, Listen to the True Word of Life, 1993).
Guidelines & Resources for Youth Catechesis
Goals of Youth Ministry:
Keys to Success
Catechism Resources
St. Mary’s Press Faith Initiative
St. Mary’s Press Horizons
Sadlier Faith and Witness